Portfolio Management
Portfolio Management helps organisations answer the important question;
‘Are we sure this investment is right for us and how will it contribute to our strategic objectives?’
The totality of an organisations’ investment (or segment thereof) in the changes required to achieve its strategic objectives.
Portfolio Management:
A coordinated collection of strategic processes and decisions that together enable the most effective balance of organisational change and ‘business as usual’.
The following five portfolio management principles represent the foundations upon which effective portfolio management is created.
1. Senior Management Commitment
Senior Management must publicly champion and positively communicate the value of portfolio management whilst participating actively in the processes.
2. Governance Alignment
A clearly defined escalation and decision making structure must exist that integrates with the existing corporate decision making processes.
3. Strategy Alignment
The portfolio must contain investments that contribute towards the achievement of the organisations strategic objectives.
4. Portfolio Office
Reporting to Board Level, a Portfolio Office function must exist containing PPM professionals that provide standards, analysis and enhanced collaborative working across departments such as finance and operations.
5. Energised Change Culture
The organisation has created a culture where people are motivated and striving to do things better, they believe in the organisation’s goals and feel part of one team.